Brain Bowl Foundation, Inc.

Support S.T.E.M. Education in Marginalized Populations

Help students succeed with your donation to the Brain Bowl Foundation.

The Brain Bowl Foundation(BBF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Port Orange, FL.

Our mission is to establish educational resources that provide inclusive science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) consultation services in distance education, instructional technology, and design worldwide. We specifically focus on improving support for traditionally marginalized populations.

We seek to close the STEM and distance education gap by providing diverse students with the necessary educational tools to succeed. BBF also provides consultation and training for inclusive online and distance education programs at universities and colleges that are at a disadvantage. We also promote intellectual growth and empower young minds through competitive academic tournaments. With a strong focus on fostering critical thinking and teamwork skills, we provide a platform for students to showcase their knowledge and excel in a supportive environment. 

Recent work

Business Education Concept. Businessman click e-learning button on his tablet. e Learning Text typography design

University and College Outreach Workshops

At Southern Wesleyan University, BBF designed and executed a successful online training for faculty working on content that would become a part of a semester-long training academy to help prepare all students for a rigorous asynchronous online environment. 

woman in black top using Surface laptop

Funding and Planning Online Courses

The Brain Bowl Foundation (BBF) manages the ADDIE and national standards process for online courses. We support the learning management system (LMS)--Planning, funding, and executing the pedagogy, instructional design, and technology that fosters a thriving, growing, and supportive e-learning environment for all students. 

Business, Technology, Internet and network concept. Young businessman working on a virtual screen of the future and sees the inscription: Online learning

Brand Development Strategy and Support

BBF also helps develop a comprehensive branding development strategy that aligns with the values and goals of the institutions we have the pleasure of working with, resulting in increased global marketing brand recognition and donor support.

About us

At the Brain Bowl Foundation, we believe in online and distance education's power to shape tomorrow's leaders. We help underprivileged students find educational resources. We organize K-12 engaging events and offer underprivileged universities and colleges consulting, instructional design, and instructional technology services that provide science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs.

We aim to close the gap and inspire a love for learning while encouraging healthy competition and inclusive, robust online and distance education programs. Join us in our commitment to nurturing young intellect and making a lasting worldwide impact on the educational landscape. Together, let's unlock the potential of our future generations.

asia young student studying with virtual reality goggles having fun and watching video at home on holiday connect laptop computer when learning class in living room.

Contact Us Today

Fill out the form below to get in touch with our team. We are here to answer any questions you may have and provide you with the information you need.

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